Expect more

Low expectations can be detrimental on multiple levels, for the individual, the workplace, and society at large.

High expectations, on the other hand—or should I say, the absence of mediocre ones—can change the trajectory of a human life for the better, and challenge prevailing narratives.

Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team, but his mother told him to get to the gym and train harder.

Renowned scientists gave Einstein enough encouragement to drown out Hermann Minkowski’s “lazybones” retort.

I don’t think Helen Keller would have achieved so much without Anne Sullivan by her side.

While the ‘prove the haters wrong’ narrative is attractive, in most cases, it fosters an environment that discourages growth and achievement.

Michael Jordan said you need to be selfish in order to succeed. Be selfish by recognizing the inherent worth and possibilities within each person. It doesn’t just benefit them. It benefits all of us.


The allure of systems


The cloak of humility