Not immediately obvious

Yesterday, I finished writing about the educational background of Donald Trump. There is a popular narrative regarding Trump’s education—that he was successful in his 2016 campaign despite his schooling, even though Trump himself frequently refers to his time at Wharton and how he is very smart.

I think this prevailing view implies that one’s educational experiences can influence us in ways that are not always clear.

Often, the significance of actions or events is not immediately apparent. Just as the design of modern cities reflects decisions made during early industrialization, or how the popularity of certain languages has roots in historical empires and colonization, the impact of what we do now may take time to reveal itself.

Whether you’re considering your health, relationships, or running for president, the seeds we plant today may grow into something far-reaching and unexpected. While the implications of your current efforts might not be immediately visible, they could shape outcomes in ways you cannot yet imagine.


Baby teeth


Today Deptford… Tomorrow the world!